LABELA Team, as a business subjectLABELA Team, today employs 4 managerial persons for business management and engages from time-to-time additional staff for specific jobs related to the signed contracts.
We are constantly striving to expand our product and service sales program to meet the needs of our business partners, regardless of the industry in which they work.
LABELA Team is registered at the Kosovo Business Registration Agency, at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo for business; partnership, representation, wholesale, retail, manufacturing, etc.
Company headquarter is in private open and closed property: Neighbourhood: Bërnicë e Epërme no. 56, Bardhosh, 10520 Pristina, Kosovo.
Banking transaction account: Banka Ekonomike, Kosovo
Address: Shesi Nena Tereze, p.n., Prishtina 10000, Kosovo
Phone No.: +383 38 / 500 – 500
E-mail: & URL:
Board members:
Mr. Labinot, MSc of Informatics, founder and business administrator,
Mr. Sami, Certified Accountant, Chairman of the Board of Directors,
Ms. Xhevrije, MSc in Electrical Engineering, project leader, and
Mr. Besfort, BA in Finance and Banking, Bookkeeping-Accounting and Financial Reporting.